Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I have been wondering for days what to Blog about next. I feel like nothing super interesting has happened lately, but just a bunch of small things.
1. I had a crew of 4 people (2 of which are friends of my parents from home) rent out my house, which meant sharing my space, which normally I am totally used to living down here with zero privacy, but since I have had my own house have been bathing in the luxury of having space to myself. However it was great to have Bruce and Marie here and made me miss home a little more than normal and of course my family.
then...2. I had a moral confliction with my best friend over pig wrestling at her Redneck Themed Bday party, which caused me an enormous amount of stress, but managed to go anyways and see my first episode of piggie in a barrel. I didn't want to be a hypocrite knowing I have had my fair share of meat in my life (albeit not much in my life these days), as well as I didn't want the ignorance of not knowing what it was I was against until I saw one for myself. Even though every animal rights group I am a member of is against it and trying to have events like this one banned. I managed to get through the festivities, with only one small outburst when I saw the little guy starting to limp and could no longer hold back. Ultimately I managed to get 3 teams to bow out and didn't completely f@%K up my friendship with my girly.3.

My new renters Ian and Melissa have arrived from Hawaii and it is great to be neighbours with such good people who you share common interests with and we now have a whole herd of doggies living up at Casa Swell. Junior, Taj, Macho (part time), Puna & Laya! Brad avoids the herd like a smart little squirrel and eats his breakfast on top of the fridge these days....
So overall, things are just plodding along day by day, without too much drama and I find myself happy & just living well!
Adios for now...

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how the everyday, no-matter where you are in the world, seems like not much to write home about. I enjoy your everyday and look forward to your thoughts.

    Good going on keeping a friend while still holding on to your beliefs, that is one of the hardest things. But all we can do is carry on and lead by example…soon your dear friend will see the light that surrounds you and possibly see the pain that she was blind to.

    Love you longtime
