Friday, March 26, 2010

New Additions!

Hey All,
Well it's Friday, which really means nothing here in Nicaragua other than I got to wake up for the second day with my TWO new additions!!! Taj & Charlie!
We took a trip to Managua to get Junior some antibiotics and just happened to go past the guy selling puppies.....and.... well I had already cleared the idea of getting a big guard dog for the house with my dad, so how happy was I to see a little Boxer puppy. He as huge feet and long legs and a big ol' head! His name is Taj and is a big gullump!!! He can barely run without tripping over his own feet and is a lickin' machine. He is buttery soft and is starting to show a new affinity for chewing what ever he can find... great : P
Then just by chance was THEE smallest dog in the world in the pen next door.... a Tea Cup Chihuahua!!! Another fawn colored little boy that weighs less than a pound and just might be the cutest thing in the world. You can hardly believe he is real he is so small. Like a toy. He is about the size of a pair of my sunglasses! His name is Charlie... aka Carlos.
So now there is Junior (top dog of course), Brad the squirrel, Taj the Boxer & Charlie the Chihuahua! My awsome little family and the farm begins...
Tomorrow we are off to buy materials to build the chicken coop and pig pen! Woohoo!!!

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