Saturday, March 20, 2010

Retaining Wall 1

Sooo, for everyone who doesn't know already... I bought a house! Casa Swell! It was mostly finished, so I have been doing smaller renovations to the place, but what it was really lacking was a backyard. It was just a pile of dirt and there was no way to keep it held up unless we built a retaining wall. A BIG RETAINING WALL!!! Just my luck, 3 guys from Saltspring Island, BC were looking for a work/stay after new years, and they just happened to be STONEMASONS!
So far we are 1000 Piedras de Tierras into the job, the last 300 were delivered today, and only 1 man (Jeremy) is left from the original crew to finish the job! He def. has his work cut out for him, as he only has about a month left down here in Nicaragua. He does have help from the gardener/cuidador Felix, but still... each stone weighs about 90-100 lbs!
Here are a few pictures to get a better idea.... more on this to come...

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